I want to announce you here, from this my Blog, that my Site has been profusely upgraded with the incorporation of my new artworks carried out during these last two years. These paintings appear under the epigraph "Recent Work 2006/2007", respectively in the second half of the pages Gallery and Gallery III. Likewise like it is logical, the program that shows the exhibition of all those new works besides the previous ones that still continue for sale, has also been upgraded. As you know, this exhibition to which refer, is downloaded making double click on the banner that is below in the Gallery page. It takes a little in being downloaded, but it is worthwhile to have patience, you will already see it.
The syndicated section has also been renewed, with the inclusion of a past painting mine that was exposed and sold in an old exhibition that I carried out in Madrid; continuing with the memory series of some of those works that marked in certain measure, through the years, my professional journey.
In synthesis, the above novelties constitute the main changes made in my Site... I hope all are of your pleasure.